Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Agakhan Palace Pune


    Visited Agakhan Palace,Pune on 19.08.2016..

तुम सुंदर हो, सुंदरतर, सुंदरतम हो

सुंदरता तुम्हे निरख रोती है।

किन्तु जरा आहिस्ते बोलो,

यहाँ राष्ट्रमाता सोती हैं।


The Sun and The Lotus said...

Hi I've been looking for the title of this poem. If you know please mail it to ashamathw@gmail.com

Unknown said...

The title of this poem is ' Do Mahal'. The tu palaces mentioned here are Taj Mahal and Aga Khan palace. I know a good part of this poem but not the whole poem please post the full poem if you have it.

Anonymous said...

Yes I am interested too in the poem... I also remember in bits.. if you can send will try to fill

balamani inguva said...

तुम सुंदर हो, सुंदरतर, सुंदरतम हो
सुंदरता तुम्हे निरख रोती है।
किन्तु जरा आहिस्ते बोलो,
यहाँ राष्ट्रमाता सोती हैं।
Since long I have been searching for this amazing verse but at last found this bit in your blog. Can you post the entire poem here or to my email address (balamani.ingua@gmail.com)? I will be very grateful for that. Who is the poet that wrote this verse?
- I. BALAMANI, Hyderabad, at balamani.ingua@gmail.com